PR Buzz Blog

Why Is Social Media Engagement Down?

Why Is Social Media Engagement Down?

As we come to the close of 2012, it’s hard to believe the concept of social communication through new media channels has been around for well over 10 years. Yet, it still feels new because it is constantly changing.  We have so much more information about our audience...

Proofreading Tips

Proofreading and copy editing both begin with the author. The drafting may be done in haste, on deadline, without many pauses to review while writing. But the writer presumably is the content expert and must take time to read, reread, edit, and proofread before...

Are Your Marketing Campaigns Too Self-Centered?

The problem with a pure marketing approach to promoting and branding an organization is that it is likely to be self-centered, especially when the team behind it is internal. There is a lack of outside perspective and concern for the real interests of the audience. ...

Newsletters vs. Advertisements

Organizations that treat their newsletters like advertising billboards defeat one of the key benefits of this communications tool. Endless descriptions of products, services and specials only interest customers who see an immediate need for these offers. Newsletters...

Why Trade Shows Die

Events such as trade shows have a life cycle. Sometimes regional events merge and become a world-class annual national or international powerhouse. More often, an exhibition starts small, grows gradually for years, peaks, plateaus, falters and eventually disappears....

Chick-fil-A in Review

Chick fil-A is a PR case that will be studied. In my professional opinion thoughtful business leaders should quietly support their community and causes that are not political, religious, or of a controversial nature even while, as individuals, business leaders...

Newsletters: It’s All in the Delivery (Well, Almost)

In an era of rapid technological change, some communications strategies have withstood the test of time. Case in point: the newsletter. It is still a powerful way to connect with customers, shareholders, employees, and sources of business referrals. Just make sure...

Penn State Has Always Been Too Much About Football

The Penn State University (PSU) in State College, Pa. has always been too much about football. It will take some time to repair its reputation due to the leadership failure in response to former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky’s criminal behavior.  The football program...

Twitter vs. Facebook — which should you use?

Often the question is asked: “which is better, Twitter or Facebook?” Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that cut and dry. As much as many don’t like this response, the truth is, it depends. Twitter and Facebook both have their advantages and in all honesty, they should...

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