PR Buzz Blog

Taking Stock: Do’s and Don’ts for Using Stock Photography

Taking Stock: Do’s and Don’ts for Using Stock Photography

By Sue Carrington Planning a new website for your organization?  Looking to freshen up your current one?  Stock photos, thoughtfully chosen, can set your site to sail – and sales. Thoughtlessly used, they can sink it. Here are five tips to avoid photo shipwreck and...

Digital Advertising Considerations for a Measurable Impact

Digital Advertising Considerations for a Measurable Impact

We’re seeing increasing demand for digital advertising. Why? It’s measurable, and publications offer a variety of selections for placement. It appears to be more affordable, but there should be enough investment to get the creative concept right and the placement...

Advertorials:  Matching the Message to the Media

Advertorials: Matching the Message to the Media

By Carla Harrington At least one good thing came out of the hoopla over the Church of Scientology advertorial that ran, briefly, on The Atlantic website: it provided the perfect lead in to this post. An advertorial is a paid advertisement that looks very much like an...

Leveraging Business with LinkedIn

Leveraging Business with LinkedIn

So you’re on LinkedIn and you’ve added in your work history, skills, and current place of work. Maybe you’ve joined a few groups, but you really haven’t had the time to dive into the discussions or even read the discussion topics for that matter. When was the last...

Has Social Media Killed the News Release?

Has Social Media Killed the News Release?

By Carla Harrington In an age of social media, multimedia, and 24/7 news cycles, who needs news releases? You do, if you represent an organization or business. Blogs and social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn can spread the word, but you will also need a news...

Good People and Award Winners, Too!

Good People and Award Winners, Too!

One of the many things I am sincerely grateful for besides having nice clients is also having wonderful associates whom I enjoy and admire.  Being able to interact each day with people I really know, like and trust makes a huge difference personally and...

Your Voice for the New Media: “Business Casual”

Your Voice for the New Media: “Business Casual”

By Sue Carrington Business blogging.  Everybody’s doing it.  That’s because it can bring huge spikes in website traffic – as much as 55%. Though more businesses are taking the plunge, fewer are making a splash. Why? Their blog-writing voice hasn’t “dressed for the...

Print Still Has a Place in the Marketing Mix

Print Still Has a Place in the Marketing Mix

Track Promotions To See What Really Works Print. Digital. Mobile .… So many options! What’s the best mix and balance of marketing pieces to promote your events? Clearly the trend during the last decade has shifted from heavy reliance on print and direct mail to a...

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