Proofreading and copy editing both begin with the author. The drafting may be done in haste, on deadline, without many pauses to review while writing. But the writer presumably is the content expert and must take time to read, reread, edit, and proofread before submitting for review and production. In addition, the author must review the results of editors’ work — to be certain no harm was done during the production process.
Words of the Week:
Associated Press style applies the rules of prefixes and generally does not hyphenate after the word “counter,” for example: counteract, counterproposal and counterspy. In addition, Webster’s dictionaries note the word “counter” itself has multiple meanings and its hyphenation varies at the end of a line: A person or thing that counts and a long table or board in a store or kitchen, when hyphenated is done count-er. Something that acts in opposition or contrary, when hyphenated is done coun-ter.
Some recent news clips with errors follow: