In an era of rapid technological change, some communications strategies have withstood the test of time. Case in point: the newsletter. It is still a powerful way to connect with customers, shareholders, employees, and sources of business referrals. Just make sure your newsletter reaches its intended audiences.

Many of our clients prefer electronic newsletters (e-newsletters) delivered via e-mail. We can tell clients how many recipients opened their e-newsletters, how their “open rate” compares to industry averages, and what stories were of the most interest. E-newsletters also drive traffic to our clients’ Web sites so readers can learn more about their products, services, and expertise.

However, e-mail alone is not effective for reaching all target audiences, especially the elderly, young, and non-professionals. We can increase the impact of e-newsletters by leveraging blogs, video, and social media such as Twitter and Facebook to engage audiences in your newsletter. Even the print newsletter still has its place in waiting rooms, public areas such as libraries, and in direct mailings.

Your organization’s newsletter may need to be delivered through multiple channels to connect with all of your target audiences.

Stay tuned for more: newsletter content that engages customers