PR Buzz Blog

Where to focus when proofreading

When proofreading, focus more on content during one review and more on spelling/punctuation/grammar during another reading. Click on the link to see an example relevant to this post.  20120214110942151 Don't forget to use the spell-checking function on your computer....

Watch Out for Frequent Proofing Errors

Give special proofing attention to heads and subheads, photo captions, artwork such as charts and graphs, and "call-out" quotes used in layout. Often this material is drafted after the article and does not get reviewed as thoroughly as longer text. Also, turn on...

Proofreading Tips From Our Pro

When proofing short, very important pieces such as ads, formal invitations and award certificates, always read from right to left and from the bottom of the page to the top...focus on every word and every punctuation mark. Use magnification on screen and on paper. In...

Write Local, Think Global

How does this affect me? It’s the first question people ask themselves when presented with new information. How does this affect us? Information is also deemed valuable when it offers a broader perspective, reflecting state, national, or global trends. Improve the...

Google + Testing

After some extreme displeasure with Google Buzz and its loose connection with my Google-owned photo-sharing account, I was unsure about whether I wanted to try Google + but I am intrigued, especially with its distinguishing feature--the circles. Being able to define...

Avastin will be big healthcare story this week

This healthcare story is going to be big on the Internet and should be interesting to see how social media intersects with reporting from traditional channels. The Citizen Oncologist is on top of it.

AC 360 Probing Nuclear News Angle

When I didn't see Anderson Cooper for a couple of evenings on CNN I knew he was heading to Japan; I'm glad he is on the nuclear power angle. I was just outside of the 20 mile radius of TMI when it failed and I reported on human reactions to that event for the...

Magazine for one

Walt Mossberg's column today in The Wall Street Journal notes Zite as a magazine tailored  for one person.  The only concern I have is that we are already becoming so selective in what we want to hear and read that it could further polarize opinions and not leave us...

B2B Social Media Takes Planning

I am providing a chart we created that  provides an overview of B2B social media planning. The key is to integrate it with the bigger picture, all that is in place, the web, advertising, and event promotions. Any feedback? We're interested in feedback on this.

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