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By Chris Jones you using Pinterest to further your social media? You may think that Pinterest is only for those looking for home decorating and party planning ideas, but it is already in use by one-third of all Internet users. It is true that more women than men use this channel, but women are often the decision-makers in many markets. Pinterest is a visual medium that can be used to create or further enhance brand awareness. It can easily be added to your social media strategy to expand your reach.

While the primary goal of social media is engagement and relationship building, it can also be instructional and supportive in the sales strategy. People turn to Pinterest not only for ideas, but also to learn how to do things. Companies with tangible products have found that by using videos within their “pins” to demonstrate their products they can engage with prospects and build trust.

Service providers of all types also could use this channel to create business opportunities. For example, an equipment supplier or leasing company may want to use infographics to demonstrate trends in their industry or show equipment or places for sale or lease. Video tutorials could be used to explain financing terms and plans. Boards could be established to showcase client success stories, show participation in community events, support for the arts, and accomplishments of employees.

Regardless of your business type or target market, let Susan Carol Creative help you establish a strategy for all of your social media to include a presence on Pinterest. See our boards at and find some stats on Pinterest users at


