by Susan Carol

Content MarketingDigital content is where the action is—illuminated with the recent news of Amazon’s purchase of The Washington Post. Because so many consumers obtain news and information through Internet channels, print publications of all types are losing value and a popular buzzword in my field is “Content Marketing.”  Is this really something new or just a buzzword.  What’s new is that people trying to introduce new ideas, products, brands and services are pressed to create content for many digital channels on an almost 24-hour cycle if they are seeking social media engagement and Search Engine Optimization benefits.

But, what is not new is the need for valuable content and that is what we professionals in public relations have always been seeking to do—identify stories that will resonate with a particular audience and write or produce these stories in the format that fits the channels’ needs.  In social media, one of the goals  is to establish relationships—or it should be—and these will happen if the content shared is actually helpful to your targeted audience and written in a social media style.

Here are our seven tips for content marketing that may help you become the content king or queen on your subject matter:

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