PR Buzz Blog

Cut Your Marketing Clutter and Capture New Business

Cut Your Marketing Clutter and Capture New Business

by Susan Carol So many choices, so little time. Organizations of all sizes are grappling with an avalanche of marketing options, potential tactics, and new channels, while also being mindful of constraints on time and resources. To generate awareness of their brand or...

Is Content Marketing Really A New Concept?

Is Content Marketing Really A New Concept?

by Susan Carol Digital content is where the action is—illuminated with the recent news of Amazon’s purchase of The Washington Post. Because so many consumers obtain news and information through Internet channels, print publications of all types are losing value and a...

Are You Branding, Re-Branding, or Just Need a Refresh?

Are You Branding, Re-Branding, or Just Need a Refresh?

By Susan Carol Originally featured on the Equipment Leasing Advisor Our public relations agency and its strategic partners have assisted many types of organizations at various stages of branding development. Because a company’s brand and its reputation are so...

When Social Media Becomes Anti-Social

When Social Media Becomes Anti-Social

By Carla Harrington Recently I was trying to find contact information for a professional whose creative skills I had admired some 20 years ago. I thought our firm could team up with him on a project. He has his own company now, but I could not remember its name. So I...

Less is More

Less is More

By Hank Wieland Write it tight? Right. And be direct? Correct. Using today’s many communications channels, your target audiences are pressed for time, easily distracted and impatient. Adjust your writing to gain reader interest. Keep your sentences short and direct....

Let Your Personality Emerge in Business Communications

Let Your Personality Emerge in Business Communications

By Susan Carol Recently I wrote an article, Let Your Personality Emerge in Business, that was originally Featured on Equipment Finance Advisors. For those of you who missed it, I would enjoy your feedback and commentary on this subject: One of my colleagues wrote...

In 160 Characters or Less

In 160 Characters or Less

By Lia James In 160 characters, can you convey what you need to say and have a meaningful conversation? Absolutely. Twitter literally strips communication down to the necessities. Yet some of the best brainstorms, information sharing sessions and content-creation has...

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